Saturday, 7 January 2006
entry 4
iv been learning alot about mk4. i go on, see pictures, learn all the new charceters( Jarek, Kai,Tanya, Reiko (Shinnok's general, allegedly Shao Kahn in disguise,Fujin (God of Wind, ally of Rayden, Quan Chi (mysterious evil sorcerer), and Shinnok (imprisoned Elder God.The game contains a hidden joke character: Meat, a skinless character who mimics other fighters' movesets.)i espacially fell in love Meat.he just looked so f****** cool. i saw a lot of features, thinking'' is there anything this game dont have?''i also beliaved it to have better graphics than mk games for ps2. but this, Ending , is living proof of the ps1-ish graphics:shaky, slow, made of little polygons, and crappy sound effects.(also click here to see mk4 fatalities)THE GAMEZ
Posted by satinsoven
at 7:00 PM EST
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