Monday, 10 October 2005
entry 16
party time!
same date as wen i wrote entry 13, yesterday i beat mk trilogy. i was on ''normaal boss damage'' wich makes shao kahn lose more health wen hit.i still coudlnt beat haim as kintaro, even though i won a match. then i choose Noob Saibot, and i did the cloud attack, which prevents him from being able to inflict damage on me. it disables his special attacks too. so wen he got disabled, i kept punching combos.then on the last punch, the screen turned silver and we turned black. kahn turned to stone and a bunch of green rays of light shone out of him and he shook, then it swithched to outside and it showed the shao pyramid shaking. then it swithched back, and back again. it kept repeating, getting faster each time. then kahn blew up and little pieces of rock fell. it said''Noob Saibot is the champion. Shao Kahn s no more.''
Posted by satinsoven
at 12:01 AM EDT
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