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Tuesday, 27 June 2006

dude, youre not here to rave about your love life. either change the subject or get off the the blog. it's called "bumping" and don't do it to my site blog. dont mean ta sound mean :)

Posted by satinsoven at 5:43 PM EDT

Tuesday, 21 February 2006

dude, you're not here to rave about your love life. stick to the topic on my blog. and enjoy your stay.woo-hoo.

Posted by satinsoven at 12:01 AM EST

satinsoven:site manager
dude, you're not here to rave about your love life. stick to the topic on my blog. and enjoy your stay.woo-hoo.

Posted by satinsoven at 12:01 AM EST

Saturday, 7 January 2006

entry 6
Mood:  irritated
i'v been desperately woprking very hard at the mkda krypt and konquest, earning koins and unlocking more and more...cyrax's alternate costume, blaze, nitara's alternate costume, mokap,and FROST! shes an awsome fighter, cool ground freeze, and an-easy-to-impale pair of daggers.i habve a complete printed version of the krypt from konquest aint matter no more. im stuck on impossible combos,styl;e branch combos, and a juggle... but i havent tried frost in konquest yet...and so, every1 lived happilty ever after.except for scorpion, who died of herphitus B.

Posted by satinsoven at 7:03 PM EST

entry 5
Mood:  vegas lucky
when me, my brother, and luis garcia were on our way to play with the dog, juliet, i noticed a box of sega gen games at a garage sale(it was yard sale week) but the elder teens ignored my protests.the wetards noticed me on our way back, and we went to see.the man showed us a box of sega games,mk 23, nfl, nfl,nfl...''MORTAL KOMBAT 1!'' me and danny exclaimed at once. ''theyre all like 2$'' the guy said.'' ill give u an xtra 1 dollar for the mk2 instuction manual!'' i said. swo danny and luis rode home to get money form dad,and so, friends iof mine3, we got mk1 aqnd the mk2 manual.

Posted by satinsoven at 7:01 PM EST

entry 4
Mood:  caffeinated
iv been learning alot about mk4. i go on, see pictures, learn all the new charceters( Jarek, Kai,Tanya, Reiko (Shinnok's general, allegedly Shao Kahn in disguise,Fujin (God of Wind, ally of Rayden, Quan Chi (mysterious evil sorcerer), and Shinnok (imprisoned Elder God.The game contains a hidden joke character: Meat, a skinless character who mimics other fighters' movesets.)i espacially fell in love Meat.he just looked so f****** cool. i saw a lot of features, thinking'' is there anything this game dont have?''i also beliaved it to have better graphics than mk games for ps2. but this, Ending , is living proof of the ps1-ish graphics:shaky, slow, made of little polygons, and crappy sound effects.(also click here to see mk4 fatalities)THE GAMEZ

Posted by satinsoven at 7:00 PM EST

entry 3
Mood:  cool
I GOT DEADLY ALLIANCE.we were at the mall, and my mom went to macy's to returbn a bra, i went to look at ebx games. they had mk games: special edition deception, normal edition deception, and a used deadly alliance. i couldnt get the 2 case se deception for 60$! they had a mkda case and a mkd case. i werent supposed to buy a game, but my mom came back and , any way, asked''did u find sumthing?'' ''yeah'' i got the deception case, but the damn store aint had the disc!so i got the 13$ mkda. i [played it, but it wasnt as good the firstr time i borrowed it. than i found out the blood level was on minimum(what the fuck!) and OBVIOUSLY i put on max. little blood balls, oh god. i watched a little of the adema music video, and it happened when i was watching History of MK, i discovered the 3-d mk4.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by satinsoven at 7:00 PM EST

Mood:  on fire
YEA! I GOT MK TRILOGY! FOR PS1! OO-RAH!no realy. all the days of saving up... i remember like it was today...(flashback)'papa, can i have 6 dollars to buy a video game? okay, heres ten was a dark-clouded saturday. i went and bought alien resurecction and got 4$ change. somehow i kept getting money,(4 $ was all i got, plus the otgher 4 $ i already somehow had, made 8.) but i lacked 5 more dollars out of a totla of 16 dollars. me and danny were gonna earn 5$ fro0m mommy next day by cleaning the shed, but i alone the next day entered the shed, annd forgot about cleaning the huge spider web infested, garbage filled, jumble of bike chains and lawn miowers lying on top of each other i abandoned it. it was around this time i found my wallet-i thot my sister stole it-and the two dollars i originally had!equal to 10$!yea!i also remembered the sale for 20% off every new game.The end of Summmer Video Game Blowout Sale.and suddenly i xcame around to relizing: ''its a new game, not used, so that means...20%off! the day, 'sorry, its rated M.' '' but your brother told me i could buy it!'' ''''sorry'' and Luis was wickedly laughing at me, me saying HE would buy the game just to annoy me.and he dosent even the Playstaion console. he kept teasing and chanting ''your not 18!your not 18!you cant buy it!hahahahah!''.fuck. so i went and spent some of my prcios dollars on strawburst. which luis kept throwing at cars.a few hours later...we came back:me, luis, and danny.the still mustached, same man who wouldnt let me buy trilogy earlier was there.(i was hpoing his brother, who lets me buy M games, such as the getaway and alien resurection, would be there. there was a nerdy lookin 'assistant' with him; a teenager. ''hey, u know that game u wanted that was M? u could buy it.'' ''okay ,i'll come back with more$$$$.'' the game was 16$, but 20% off made it 12$. i actually didnt kbnow this cas im stupid but after an hour "wats 20% off 16$?" "figure it out." "wats 20% off 16$?" "figure it out." "wats 20% off 16$?" "figure it out." "wats 20% off 16$?" "figure it out." "wats 20% off 16$?" "figure it out."i kept gonig back to my house and back to the store, to and back, maybe 3 times,i even went to my grandmas but felt to guilty to ask for money, till my brother gave me 3$:STILL not enough!''how much more?'' '''4$'' how much more?'' ''3$'' next...'' yor 1$ short'' ''aw man'' as i was walking out the store, ready to once again ride home and get a dollar, i put my hand in my pocket...the 3$ my brother gave me! ''wait i just found 3$ in my pocket!'' [cash register sound, panting sequence as alex rides his bike home home,brags to his brother, rubs it in, all thewhile uttering:''beyond the store, into our drawer, and into our playstation(2) the disc will go!!''

ps:when the character selection screen popped up, i selected kintaro, and my first battle was i think human smoke in the jade's desert. i guickly punched him to death, and my first cpu fatality was raiden, who didi a brutality on me.

Posted by satinsoven at 6:59 PM EST

Mood:  bright
I basicaly dedicate this website to Mortal Kombat Deception, which was my inspiration to start taking an interest in the mk series.A few months ago I saw a comercial for MKD and it looked awseome!..... but i couldnt get it.Some months later my brother got a sega genisis at a garage sale.1 of the games it came with was Mortal Kombat2. First it sucked cuz we had a crappy(and i mean CRAPPY!)controller.Then we bought a new one.And mk2 ki-ck-ed ass!Every since then I loved mortal komat.all day l;ong i searched for photos,character bios.and thats how i came to make this site. make sure to check out.

Posted by satinsoven at 6:58 PM EST

Monday, 31 October 2005

entry 17
Mood:  loud
actually the voice in the mk theme is shang tsung, cuz shao kahn isnt even in MK1!

Posted by satinsoven at 12:01 AM EST

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